Summertime is quickly approaching, so it is time to get into summer shape around Journey. Living in a college town always makes summer very interesting. The streets are easier to navigate, there are no lines at the local eateries, and the town just looks older. Don't get me wrong, while it is nice getting around, I would much rather have the college students here year-round.
One of the topics of discussion for Rod and I lately is our "Summertime Plan". That might sound goofy to some of you, but if you don't continue to train during your off season you won't be in shape to play at your potential in the regular season. This year we want to train, plan, and grow so that we can experience all that God has for us in the future.
Here are the things we will focus on this summer:
Passion for Christ - I want us to absolutely fall in love with Christ more than ever before! I want more of His presence and power in everything we do!
Passion for our Calling - I want people to see the excitement on our faces about getting to be in full-time ministry. What an incredible honor the Lord has allowed us to have as a staff, and I want people to see the passion we have for our calling.
Passion for our Team - Everyday in ministry is met with a new challenge and a new attack from the enemy. It doesn't matter how good things are, there is rejection, criticism, hurt, etc. all the time in ministry. One of the ways you combat that is to surround yourself with encouraging, loyal, capable God-lovin' people! When that team works together it is truly incredible what you can accomplish!
Passion for People - I want to reach, connect, and care for every person that God brings through our doors! I have no desire to be "content" with where we are when it comes to seeing a city transformed. I want Journey to be a spiritual family that models to the world what community is all about and how it works.
Those are some of the focuses that will be happening behind the scenes this year at Journey during the summer! Now if we can just make it through a few more weeks of school.