I want to share a few thoughts on marriage in honor of Chad and Martha. Chad is our Jr. High Director here at Journey and just got married this weekend. He, and Martha, are a huge blessing to our church!!
One of the greatest keys to a dream marriage is nakedness! While the men are yelling, "Amen", here is what I mean - Strip off all the layers of junk in your life and allow each other to see everything.
Robin and I have never kept secrets from each other. We never go to bed with harsh feelings towards one another. We never hold a grudge. We stay naked! We share what is on our hearts and mind in an encouraging way.
Getting naked doesn't mean you get to undress your spouse, it means you get to take off all the junk in your life. Your role with your spouse is to be an encouragement!!!
So, Chad and Martha: know you are well on your way to a great marriage, and GET NAKED.